Ostentatious Rich Detective Flauntfest
In a world where solving crimes is only possible with the aid of Rolex watches, sports cars, hypertrophied muscles, expensive wines and great tailoring, Sir Peter Lunkhead (English, aristocrat) and Rusty Thrust (Yank, playboy) along with their hilariously comedic sidekick, Professor Intelligentsia, take time off from deflowering society airheads to casually solve fiendishly complex crimes in a matter of just under an hour, thereby infuriating the local police who have spent years interviewing suspects and painstakingly piecing their way through forensic evidence.
Our two heroes blithely snort, hump, patronise and grin their oleaginous way around the planet in a succession of eye-wateringly expensive modes of transport, including a diamond-encrusted Segway, which is then casually thrown into the ocean while our two main protagonists bust a gut laughing at the waste.
Luckily, a local farmer has a spare, gigantic wicker cock and balls into which Sir Peter, Rusty and the Professor are enticed, to be later immolated in a pagan village festival while uncharacteristically beautiful female farm-hands cavort around, rubbing themselves in all sorts of blatantly pornographic ways, just to give the credits something to roll over...
Our two heroes blithely snort, hump, patronise and grin their oleaginous way around the planet in a succession of eye-wateringly expensive modes of transport, including a diamond-encrusted Segway, which is then casually thrown into the ocean while our two main protagonists bust a gut laughing at the waste.
Luckily, a local farmer has a spare, gigantic wicker cock and balls into which Sir Peter, Rusty and the Professor are enticed, to be later immolated in a pagan village festival while uncharacteristically beautiful female farm-hands cavort around, rubbing themselves in all sorts of blatantly pornographic ways, just to give the credits something to roll over...
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